Personal and Critique entry 3
I liked the movie Rear Window. I still want to see the rest of hotel rawanda. At first I expected ventana trazera to be in negro y blanco. I hope we get to see a better movie next week. NO WAY JOSE. Hotel rawanda was a good movie. The costumes seemed to match the situation. It was very colorful. There was lots o shadows. The actor's emotions matched the situation most of the time. I hope the other movies can match the goodness of hotel rawanda. The movie hotel rawanda seemed realistic.
I liked the movie Rear Window. I still want to see the rest of hotel rawanda. At first I expected ventana trazera to be in negro y blanco. I hope we get to see a better movie next week. NO WAY JOSE. Hotel rawanda was a good movie. The costumes seemed to match the situation. It was very colorful. There was lots o shadows. The actor's emotions matched the situation most of the time. I hope the other movies can match the goodness of hotel rawanda. The movie hotel rawanda seemed realistic.