Magazine Article 1 Game Informer Pg 32 Issue #167
All of the currentgenerationofvideogameconsoles all the use to download content for a price what woudl happen if the jconsole were sotolen the hard drive crashes or the flash merm0oehfdh currupts both the xbox and ps3 woll let you sign in to a secure network and redowload anythign you have already purchased The wii however itews ypour account to the systyem and then makes it impossible to regain your downloaded ames if it is stolen this is important because thigns happen and it will be a shame to lose what you paid for with no way to retrieve it at least 2 of the 3 consoles are prepared for the worst scenario
All of the currentgenerationofvideogameconsoles all the use to download content for a price what woudl happen if the jconsole were sotolen the hard drive crashes or the flash merm0oehfdh currupts both the xbox and ps3 woll let you sign in to a secure network and redowload anythign you have already purchased The wii however itews ypour account to the systyem and then makes it impossible to regain your downloaded ames if it is stolen this is important because thigns happen and it will be a shame to lose what you paid for with no way to retrieve it at least 2 of the 3 consoles are prepared for the worst scenario
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